Green Schools Workshops
We had a visit from Lucasz our green schools travel officer. The Junior room pupils took part in a scooter workshop and the senior room...

Green School Travel Officer Visit
On Friday 25th January we had a visit from Our Green - School Travel Officer Lukasz Kryzvoon. The senior room took part in a climate...

Marine Biologist Visit
We thoroughly enjoyed a visit from Marine Biologist Conor Ryan last week. Conor spent some time in the classroom explaining various...

Visit from Climate Action Officer
We recently enjoyed a visit from Caroline Goucher, Climate Action Officer for Mayo County Council. Caroline spoke to us about many local...

Our Igloo
We had a great time building our Igloo. The first step was to prepare a template on which to build our Igloo. We then used empty plastic...

Greening Christmas 2017
Some of the Christmas decorations made by the senior room from waste material in association with Greening Mayo.

Water Workshop
Some pupils recently attended a Water Workshop in Swinford as we are currently working towards our Green Flag for water in association...

Green Schools Action Week
We had our Green Schools Action Week from 29th May to 2nd June. We began our week by participating in the Explorers Education Programme...

Green Schools Update
We have begun working on our 3rd Green Flag. The theme of the 3rd Green Flag is Water. We are learning all about water and water...