Féile Chois Cuain
Much like last year, Lecanvey NS children had the task of bringing the Féile Chois Cuain, Mol an Óige show to a close. And much like last...

Irish Dancing Feis Winners
Congratulations to our prize winners at the recent Cresham Irish Dancing Feis.

STEM in Lecanvey NS
We are studying electricity at the moment in lecanvey NS. We are building on our knowledge of circuits and using it to construct STEM...

70's Art
Inspired by pattern design and disco from the 70's.

Easter Egg Hunt
Albeit a wet morning we braved the weather for our Easter Egg Hunt. There was great excitement as each class were given their clue and...

Cumann na mBunscol Sport Quiz
Congrats to our Senior Room Quizzers; Leah, Dylan, Joe and Seán who came an amazing 6th in the Mayo County Final of the Cumann na...

Musical in Sancta Maria
We thoroughly enjoyed our trip to the musical The Addams Family staged by the pupils of Sancta Maria College last week. A fantastic...

Seachtain na Gaeilge
BhÃomar an-ghnóthach i Leac an Anfa i rith Seachtain na Gaeilge. Bhà tráth na gCeist Ãontach againn agus chanamar PeigÃn Leitir Mór, Óro...