BLAST Arts in Education Residency Programme 2023/2024.
We have just completed a 6 week Arts in Education Residency Programme. This has been a wonderful opportunity for our school to engage in...

For a STEM challenge, we worked in groups to make a boat from playdough. The boat had to float, and hold as many marbles as it could. We...

We enjoyed some pancakes in school on pancake Tuesday.

St. Brigid's Day
We made St. Bridgid's Crosses today to celebrate St. Brigid.

Enrolment 2024
We are now enroling for September 2024. We have an Open Evening on Tuesday 13th February from 6.30 pm to 7.30pm. Parents and children...

Credit Union Quiz
We are excited to be participating in the Credit Union Quiz on Friday evening. Best of luck to our teams and hope you enjoy the evening.

A Fun Filled Evening
We had the most fabulous evening presenting our Christmas show. We decorated the hall with our artwork. The Junior Room depicted a fun...

The Post Office
Our aistear theme for the month of December was the Post Office. We filled out forms to apply for tv licences, dog licences and...

Christmas Show
We would love to see you there be it the matinee or the evening show.