What Lecanvey Means to Me..........
Lecanvey Community Centre recently celebrated 40 years since it first opened its doors. As part of the days celebrations we were asked to...

Senior Room Tour
We travelled to Dublin for our school tour. We visited Jump Zone in Liffey Valley and spent some time shopping too! Then we went to...

Beach Fun
For Aistear time we took a stroll to the beach where we got to play in the sand with our buckets and spades. A fun morning was had by all.

Green Schools Award
We are delighted to announce that we have received our fifth Green Flag for the theme of Biodiversity. We worked hard on this theme...

Claude Monet Art
A sample of some recent artwork in the senior room.

Confirmation and Communion
We congratulate our students who received the sacrament of First Holy Communion and Confirmation recently. We created some lovely artwork...

Swimming Lessons
The senior room are currently enjoying swimming lessons in the Westport Woods Hotel. They are improving their skills and having great fun.

Thank You
Some recent fundraisers held in the school to support worthy causes in our community.

Féile Chois Cuain
We were delighted to participate in Féile Chois Cuain Mol an Óige ( youth concert) this weekend. We played a selection of tunes followed...

Van Gough
Our recent Art lesson was about the artist Van Gough. We studied his Starry Night Painting.