Musical in Sancta Maria
We thoroughly enjoyed our trip to the musical The Addams Family staged by the pupils of Sancta Maria College last week. A fantastic...

Seachtain na Gaeilge
BhÃomar an-ghnóthach i Leac an Anfa i rith Seachtain na Gaeilge. Bhà tráth na gCeist Ãontach againn agus chanamar PeigÃn Leitir Mór, Óro...

Our Awesome Spring button craft! Spring Fingerpainting

Fabulous Spellings
Look at our marvellous spelling work!

World Book Day
Our Junior room and our Senior room joined together to do some paired reading to celebrate World Book Day. A very enjoyable experience...

Irish Dancing in Lecanvey NS
Irish dancing is continuing this term in Lecanvey NS. We have all progressed brilliantly over the years thanks to our practice and the...