Echium Plant
We have a beautiful Echium plant in our school garden. We saw some honey bees and some bumble bees on it. This links in with our work on...

Our Birdboxes
Such a lovely project we've just completed in the junior room. We painted and decorated our birdboxes in our favourite colours. We are...

We have been continuing work on our Greenschools theme of biodiversity. We had our action day on 22nd April. We planted marigolds, did a...

Boardgame Project
We did the RTE Dreamspace build a Boardgame Project. We watched and participated in an online workshop. Then we brainstormed ideas in...

World Earth Day
We did a litter pick on our local beach and community to celebrate World Earth Day. We enjoy several walks on the beach and in the...

Easter at Lecanvey NS
We had great fun on our Easter egg hunt. We were given clues and had to find the eggs which were hidden both inside and outside the...